White Hall Plantation Lake Moultrie Berkeley County
Basic Information
- Location Submerged under Lake Moultrie, St. John's Berkeley Parish, Berkeley County
Plantation lands were originally located near present-day Pinopolis.
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status In 1939, work began on the Santee Cooper Hydroelectric and Navigation Project. This project displaced many families and communities, and many historic homes were lost as the area was flooded.
- 1774 Earliest known date of existence
- 1824 House built by Thomas Porcher
- 1854 A wing with a bow window and a piazza with square columns was added to the house by Dr. Charles Lucas.
- Alphabetical list Dixon; Gaillard; Heyward; Lawrence; Lucas; Thomas Porcher; Ravenel; Lewis Simons; Blake Leay White
- Number of slaves 8
References & Resources
- White Hall Plantation, White and Porcher Families: Click here
- 30-15 Plantation File, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
- Margaret F. Kemp, Colleton County, South Carolina: A Pictorial History
(Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Company, 1994)
- J. Russell Cross, Historic Ramblin's through Berkeley
(Columbia, SC: R.L. Bryan Company, 1985)
Order Historic Ramblin's through Berkeley
- John Beaufain Irving, A Day on Cooper River (1842)
(Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2010)
- Norman S. Walsh, Plantations, Pineland Villages, Pinopolis and Its People
(Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Company Publishers, 2007)
Order Plantations, Pineland Villages, Pinopolis and Its People
- Waterman Report of 1939