Accabee Plantation West Ashley Charleston County
Basic Information
- Location Ashley River, West Ashley, St. Andrew's Parish, Charleston County
Original plantation lands were in the vicinity of Orange Grove Road (north of Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site), stretching from the Ashley River to Orange Grove Creek. Additional lands may have been on the other side of the Ashley River in the city of North Charleston.
- Origin of name The name is of Native American origin
- Other names Ickerby, Orange Grove
- Current status No longer exists
- 1713 Earliest known date of existence
- ? House built
"The mansion was of brick, solidly built; with a piazza in front, and a garden and lawn extending to the Ashley river. The grounds were covered with grass, on which the sheep owned by Mrs. Elliott might be seen lying under the magnificent live oaks decorated with the floating, silvery moss so beautiful in the low country. The graceful fringe tree and magnolia grandiflora, with other ornamental trees, grew in clumps in front and on either side. In the rear, a portico looked on an avenue of flowering locusts, nearly a mile in length. A circular stairs ascended from the spacious hall to Mrs. [Sabina Codner] Elliott's study" (6, p. 86-87).
- ? Barnard Elliott was in possession of Accabee. He lived there with his wife Elizabeth Boisgard and their five children: Barnard (Colonel Elliott), Elizabeth, Mary, Amerinthia, and Catherine (2).
- 1756 At the age of 18, Elizabeth Elliot, daughter of Barnard and Elizabeth Boisgard Elliot, married Richard Bohun Baker (III) of Archdale Hall Plantation (5, p. 27-28).
- 1768 Elizabeth Boisgard died at Accabee on September 26 at the age of 51 (2).
- 1783 On January 23 at Accabee, Ann Barnett Elliot, daughter of William Sabina Codner Elliot, married Lewis Morris of Hope Plantation (8, p. 252).
- 1784 Elias Horry was in possession of the plantation around this time.
- 1836 Accabee was acquired by Edward C. Perroneau. During his ownership he changed the name of the plantation to Orange Grove (7, p. 5).
- Alphabetical list Barnard Elliott; William Elliott; Elias Horry (1784); Edward C. Perroneau (1836-?); Thomas Rose
- Number of slaves ?
References & Resources
- Elizabeth Fries Ellet, The Women of the American Revolution
- Lineage of John Stone - information on Elizabeth Boisgard and Barnard Elliott
- Henry A. M. Smith, The Historical Writings of Henry A.M. Smith
(Spartanburg, SC: Reprint Company, 1988)
Order The Historical Writings of Henry A.M. Smith
- Petrona Royall McIver, History of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
(Mount Pleasant, SC: Christ Church Parish Preservation Society, Inc., 1995)
Order History of Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
- Baker Family Papers, 1683 - ca. 1935. Chronicles of Archdale Hall, by Emma Drayton-Grimke. Located at the South Carolina Historical Society in File 1138.00.
- Elizabeth Fries Ellet, The Women of the American Revolution
(New York, NY: Haskell House Publishers, 1969)
- Rosina Sottile Kennerty, Plantations on the South Side of Ashley River
(Charleston, SC: The Nelson Printing Corporation, 1983)
Order Plantations on the South Side of Ashley River
- Suzanne Cameron Linder, Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860
(Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, 1995)
Order Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860