Cowden Plantation Jackson Aiken County
Basic Information
- Location South of Jackson, Aiken County
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status Much of the property is now part of the Savannah River Site (2, p. 21).
- 1848-1853 Earliest known date of existence
James Henry Hammond acquired several pieces of property over a five year period to form the 2,800 acre Cowden Plantation (2, p. 14).
- ? House built
- 1869 To pay off estate debts, the plantations were to be sold. Hammond's son Harry, developed a plan that would keep most of the holdings in the hands of the family. All properties were sold by sealed bid with Cowden purchased by Harry's sister Elizabeth Hammond Eve (2, p. 137).
- ? The Eves were not successful in farming the plantation and sold it out of the Hammond family (1, p. 138).
- Number of slaves ?
References & Resources
- Sankofagen Wiki
- Carol Bleser, The Hammonds of Redcliffe
(Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1997)