Gravel Hill Plantation Buddenville Allendale County
Basic Information
- Location Buddenville, Bull Pond, Allendale County
Located south of US 301 on Elmore Lane
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status Privatley owned

— Postcard of Gravel Hill Plantation, 1955 © Contributed by Jim P. Bryan —
(Do Not Use Without Written Consent)
- 1850 Earliest known date of existence
Benjamin Lawton Willingham acquired the property (1, p. 3).
- 1857-1859 Benjamin Lawton Willingham built the plantation house (1, p. 2).
- Circa 1864 Benjamin Lawton Willingham gave Gravel Hill Plantation to his daughter, Phobe Willingham Malone (1, p. 3).
- 1865 Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick, a member of General Sherman's staff, spared the house because it had been used as a hospital for Union troops as they passed through the area (4).
- 1888 Phobe Willingham Malone sold Gravel Hill to Charles Edward Bryan (1, p. 3) (4).
- 1889 William Zorn Bryan acquired the plantation from Charles Edward Bryan (1, p. 3) (4).
- 1936 George Easterling Bryan was the next owner of Gravel Hill Plantation (1, p. 1) (4).
- 1970 Jim Preacher Bryan became the plantation's owner and was the last Bryan baby born at Gravel Hill (4).
- 1993 Jim Preacher Bryan sold Gravel HIll to Clayton New (4).
- 1996 The plantation was sold to Suzanne Oswald Cordray, a great-granddaughter of Charles Edward Bryan (4).
- 2001 The plantation house was renovated (4).
- 2003 Gravel Hill Plantation was purchased by Frank E. Guidobono (4).
- Number of slaves Benjamin Willingham had 75 slaves.
- The plantation house originally had 15 rooms. It is in good condition, thanks to a major renovation completed in 2001. The original dining room and living room were eliminated during this renovation.
References & Resources
- National Register of Historic Places
Nomination form - PDF - submitted in 1975
Photographs, architectural overview
- Brief history of Gravel Hill Plantation - source no longer available online
- Claude Henry Neuffer, editor, Names in South Carolina, Volume I through 30 (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company)
Order Names in South Carolina, Volumes I-XII, 1954-1965
Order Names in South Carolina, Index XIII-XVIII
- Information contributed by Jim Preacher Bryan, the last member of the Bryan family born at Gravel Hill.