Broxton Bridge Plantation Ehrhardt Bamberg County
Basic Information
- Location Salkehatchie River, Ehrhardt, Bamberg County
Located on SC Road 31, close to Rivers Bridge State Historic Site
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status Operated as a bed and breakfast and as a hunting retreat
- Late 1700s Earliest known date of existence (3)
- 1850s The five bedroom house was built (3).
- 1865 The Civil War's Battle at Broxton Bridge took place on the southern end of the plantation February 1, 1865. The remains of the battleground with the Confederate breastworks still remain (3).
- 2014 The plantation has been owned by the Varn family for nine generations. It is being operated it as a hunting retreat and bed and breakfast by the family of G.D. "Jerry" Varn who passed away in 2007 (3).
- Number of slaves ?
References & Resources
- 30-15 Plantation File, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
– Online Catalog
- Jane Ockershausen, The South Carolina One-Day Trip Book
(McLean, VA: EPM Publications, 1998)
- Broxton Bridge Plantation Today - Click here
Contact Information
- Broxton Bridge Plantation
PO Box 97
Ehrhardt, SC 29081
Telephone: 800-437-4868
Website: Click here