Tomotley Plantation Sheldon Beaufort County
Basic Information
- Location Sheldon, Prince William Parish, Beaufort County
Cotton Hall Road, 1½ miles northeast of US 17 (entrance on right side of Cotton Hall Road close to intersection of Old Sheldon Road)
- Origin of name Grey Allred, whose grandparents are the current owners of Tomotley, shared with us, "The origin of the name seems to have come from the Cherokee language; I'm unsure of the meaning."
- Other names Part of Tomotley Barony
- Current status Privately owned
- May 7, 1698 Earliest known date of existence
Created by patent issued to Landgrave Edmund Bellinger (5, p. 583)
- 1706 Landgrave Bellinger died.
- 1733 Second Landgrave Edmund Bellinger, the grandson, held title to the land (5, p. 583)
- 1739 Second Landgrave Edmund Bellinger died. Tomotley Barony was then divided among 14 different family members and other heirs.
- ? Elizabeth Butler Bellinger, Edmund's widow, sold 904 acres to James Deveaux (5, p. 583)
- ? James Deveaux's father owned adjoining Jericho Plantation which his will divided among the three sons. James received 311 acres which he made part of his plantation (5, p. 583-584).
- 1756 Deveaux sold Tomotley Plantation, which was 1,215 acres, to Ralph Izard. Deveaux had moved to Georgia in 1752 (5, p. 584).
- 1761 Izard passed away leaving Tomotley Plantation to his son Walter Izard (5, p. 584).
- 1788 Walter Izard died without any children. His wife had died before him so he left Tomotley to his brother Ralph Izard. Walter's inventory suggests that there was no main house at Tomotley when he died, just an overseer's home (5, p. 584).
- Circa 1813 Ralph Izard passed away. His daughter, Patience Wise Blackett Izard (she married Colonel Abraham Eustis in 1823) inherited Tomotley (5, p. 585).
- Circa 1820 Avenue of oaks planted by Patience Wise Blackett Izard.
- 1860 Patience died but it took years to settle her estate due to the Civil War and large number of heirs (5, p. 586).
- 1864 James H. Baggett bought the plantation for $75,000 (5, p. 586).
- 1865 Sherman's troops burned the plantation and it was confiscated by the government. Baggett was able to obtain the property back in October of the same year (5, p. 586).
- 1868 The Izard heirs filled suit that the sale to Baggett should be voided since he paid with Confederate money which had no value. The case lingered on for years and was settle by the federal court declaring Tomotley Plantation was to be put up for sale (5, p. 587).
- 1873 Although Baggett was eligible to purchase the plantation, the highest bidders were George G. Martin and Charles J. C. Hutson (5, p. 587).
- 1898 Hutson purchased Martin's share of the plantation (5, p. 587).
- 1905 William H. Brawley purchased Tomotley after Hutson's death (5, p. 587).
- 1907 Brawley sold the plantation to Henry O. Havemeyer (5, p. 587).
- 1910 Havemeyer died shortly after the purchase and his heirs sold it to Mary S. McCurdy. McCurdy constructed the existing house (5, p. 587).
- Circa 1940 Mr. Titus was owner and employed Edgar Marvin as Tomotley's manager (6).
- ? G.V. Hollins owned Tomotley (4, p. 123).
- 1990 Billy and Barbara Mixon owned Tomotley.
- Number of acres 1,215 in 1756; 1,400 in 1864; 1,384 in 1910
- Primary crop Corn and rice (5, p. 584)
- The avenue of oaks was planted by Patience Wise Blackett Izard circa 1820.
- Number of slaves 56 in 1761; 68 in 1788; 138 in 1860 (5)
- In 2010 Grey Allred shared with us, "The current residence was built by R.H. McCurdy in 1910. There is a second home that was built in the late 1800s after the original house burned, as well as a caretaker's residence, several barns and a stable that survived Sherman's wrath and predates the Civil War."
References & Resources
- 30-15 Plantation File, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
– Research Guide
- Claude Henry Neuffer, editor, Names in South Carolina, Volume I through 30 (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company)
Order Names in South Carolina, Volumes I-XII, 1954-1965
Order Names in South Carolina, Index XIII-XVIII
- Caption on map of plantations along the Santee River in Upper St. John's Parish, SC 1865
- Robert B. Cuthbert and Stephen G. Hoffius, editors, Northern Money, Southern Land: The Lowcountry Plantation Sketches of Chlotilde R. Martin
(Columbia, SC: The University of South Carolina Press, 2009)
Order Northern Money, Southern Land: The Lowcountry Plantation Sketches of Chlotilde R. Martin
- Suzanne Cameron Linder, Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860
(Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, 1995)
Order Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860
- Information contributed by Warner McTeer Jones who lived at Tomotley for a year as a small child when his uncle Edgar Marvin was the plantation's manager.

— Tomotley Plantation, Christmas Day © Lisa & Scott Rance, 2005 —
(Do Not Use Without Written Consent)