Springfield Plantation Berkeley County
Basic Information
- Location St. John's Berkeley Parish, Berkeley County
6 miles east of Eutaw Springs
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status Located on shores of Lake Marion

— Fireplace at Springfield Plantation 1939 © Library of Congress —
(Prints & Photographs Division HABS SC-55)
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- ? Isaac Couturier and Thomas Palmer acquired the property through royal grants (1).
- Prior to 1775 Captain John Palmer purchased the property from Isaac Couturier and his brother Thomas Palmer (1).
- Prior to 1776 House built (1)
It is believed a house was on the property prior to 1776 (1).
- 1817 Captain John Palmer passed away and left the plantation to his son Joseph Palmer (1).
- 1817 Second house built (1)
Joseph Palmer constructed a mansion house made of hand-hewn black cypress (1).
- ? Edmund G. Palmer, grandson of Joseph Palmer, inherited Springfield (1).
- 1935 The plantation was owned by Mrs. Edmund G. Palmer and her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. McGuinness (1).
- Number of acres ?
- Primary crop Indigo and Santee long cotton (hybrid between Upland cotton and Sea Island cotton)
- Number of slaves 39
References & Resources
- Information contributed by Ramona L. Grimsley, Digital Projects Librarian for Berkeley County Library, from:
– Springfield Plantation - Palmer Family
- Information contributed by Ramona L. Grimsley, Digital Projects Librarian for Berkeley County Library, from:
– Library of Congress - Springfield, Eutawville, Orangeburg County, SC Photos from Survey HABS SC-55
- 30-15 Plantation File, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
– Online Catalog
- Claude Henry Neuffer, editor, Names in South Carolina, Volume I through 30 (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company)
Order Names in South Carolina, Volumes I-XII, 1954-1965
Order Names in South Carolina, Index XIII-XVIII
- Caption on map of plantations along the Santee River in Upper St. John's Parish, SC 1865
- J. Russell Cross, Historic Ramblin's through Berkeley
(Columbia, SC: R.L. Bryan Company, 1985)
Order Historic Ramblin's through Berkeley
- Sankofa's Plantation Data Collection