Woodboo Plantation Lake Moultrie Berkeley County
Basic Information
- Location Submerged under Lake Moultrie, St. John's Berkeley Parish, Berkeley County
Original plantation lands were located on the old road from Biggin Church to Black Oak Church.
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status In 1939, work began on the Santee Cooper Hydroelectric and Navigation Project. This project displaced many families and communities, and many historic homes were lost as the area was flooded.
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- 1740 House built by Stephen Mazyck
- Number of acres 862
- Primary crop ?
- Alphabetical list LeSerurier; Stephen Mazyck; Stephen Mazyck, Jr.; Dr. Henry Ravenel; Thomas Porcher Ravenel; St Julian
- Number of slaves ?
Print Resources
- 30-15 Plantation File, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
- J. Russell Cross, Historic Ramblin's through Berkeley
(Columbia, SC: R.L. Bryan Company, 1985)
Order Historic Ramblin's through Berkeley
- Norman S. Walsh, Plantations, Pineland Villages, Pinopolis and Its People
(Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Company Publishers, 2007)
Order Plantations, Pineland Villages, Pinopolis and Its People