Lowndes Grove Plantation Charleston Charleston County
Basic Information
- Location Ashley River, Charleston, Charleston County
Located at 266 Saint Margaret Street on the Charleston peninsula near The Citadel and Hampton Park
- Origin of name ?
- Other names Grove, Grove Farm, Wagener Farm
- Current status Wedding and event venue
- 1701 Earliest known date of existence
Patrick Scott received a grant for 170 acres known as Grove Farm. The acreage was part of the original Dalton grant (4).
- 1738 The property along with additional land north was conveyed by Daniel Cartwright to John Braithwaite from whom it passed to John Gibbes. Gibbes called the property Orange Grove but it was later to become known simply as the Grove (4).
John Gibbes had a house built on the property but it was burned during the Revolution (2, p. 3).
- 1786 George Abbot Hall purchased the plantation around this time. He proceeded to build a plantation house which still stands today albeit some modifications and additions (2, p. 3).
George Abbot Hall immigrated to South Carolina from England. In 1780 he was exiled to St Augustine, Florida for supporting the Patriots during the American Revolution (5).
- 1791 George Abbot Hall died August 1. An inventory was done of everything George Abbot Hall owned at the Grove.
It is not known who purchased the plantation upon his death (2, p. 3).
- 1803 William Lowndes purchased the plantation. From this point on the property was referred to as Lowndes Grove.
William was born on Horseshoe Plantation in Colleton County. He served in the South Carolina House of Representatives and was elected to the United States Congress in 1810 (2, p. 3).
- 1822 On October 27 William Lowndes died at sea while en route to England. His remains were buried at sea (6).
- 1830 The portico of the house was probably altered around this time. It went from a double portico to a five-bay piazza with Doric columns. The rear of the house was also enlarged around this time (2, p. 3).
The plantation changed hands several times before being purchased by Frederick W. Wagener (2, p. 3).
Wagener was one of Charleston's wealthy Germans. He started as a grocer and became a leading industrialist, resort owner, and entrepreneur. He was an active member of the Charleston Merchant's Exchange (8, p. 169).
- 1901-1902 The South Carolina Interstate and West Indies Exposition was held in Charleston. It was the brainchild of Frederick W. Wagener in order to promote trade with the West Indies and Latin America. Lowndes Grove was used as the Women's Building, housing artistic and historical displays (2, p. 3).
- 1917 Lowndes Grove became the property of James Sottile, Jr. He proceeded to develop the land into streets and lots.
- 1989 Charles and Martha Craven purchased the plantation on September 20, the day before Hurricane Hugo hit (11).
- 2000 Alexander and Tina Opoulos III purchased the main house and most of the property from from Charles and Martha Craven (10).
- 2002 The Opouloses bought the adjoining carriage house and folded both holdings under the umbrella of Lowndes Grove Inc. (10).
- 2007 Lowndes Grove was sold to Patrick Properties, LLC. They plan to renovate the house and open it as an event venue.
- Number of acres 232 in 1770; 14 in 2008
- Primary crop ?
- Alphabetical list John Braithwaite; Daniel Cartwright; Charles and Martha Craven; John Gibbes; Joseph L. Goodman; George Abbot Hall; William Lowndes; Lowndes Grove Inc.; Alexander and Tina Opoulos III; Patrick Properties, LLC; Rose; Patrick Scott; James Sottile, Jr.; Frederick W. Wagener
- Number of slaves ?
References & Resources
- Lowndes Grove Plantation's official website
- National Register of Historic Places
Nomination form - PDF - submitted in 1977
Photographs, architectural overview
- Historical summary - Charleston County Public Library
- Origins of Charleston Street Names - scroll down to Grove Street
- Genealogy of the Hall Family from Bristol
- Biography of William Lowndes
- 30-15 Plantation File, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
- Don Harrison Doyle, New Men, New Cities, New South: Atlanta, Nashville, Charleston, Mobile, 1860-1910 (Fred W. Morrison Series in Southern Studies)
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1990)
- Samuel Gaillard Stoney, Plantations of the Carolina Low Country
(Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1990), pp. 74-75, 202
- Information contributed by Megan Morgan
- Information contributed by Curt Norman who has been a professional photographer at hundreds of weddings and events at Lowndes Grove. He has worked closely with Chuck and Martha Craven as they often spoke of the events surrounding their purchase of the plantation.
Contact Information
- Lowndes Grove Plantation
266 St Margaret Street
Charleston, SC 29403
Website: Click here
Telephone: 843-853-0246