Hayne Hall Plantation Jacksonboro Colleton County
Basic Information
- Location Jacksonboro, St Bartholomew's Parish, Colleton County
Located off SC 64 on Sparks Lane, between SC Secondary Roads 167 and 40
- Origin of name Named after an early owner, Isaac Hayne
- Other names ?
- Current status Owned by South Carolina State Park Service
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- 1765 Colonel Isaac Hayne married Elizabeth Hutson. It is not known if he owned Hayne Hall at this time.
Hayne Hall was the permanent residence of Isaac and Elizabeth and their seven children. Two of the children, Mary and William Edward, were twins. Colonel Hayne recorded in his journal that "Ann Busk came to Suckle the Twins which She did 3½ Months" (5).
The plantation was profitable and the Haynes were respected members of their community. In addition to Hayne Hall, Colonel Isaac Hayne owned nearby Pear Hill and Sycamore plantations and two lots in Charleston. One of the lots still has a house standing. It was operated as a bed and breakfast (6, p. 16).
- 1773 Colonel Isaac Hayne had two indentured servants. Joseph Smith came from London and was a carpenter. James Taylor came from Scotland and was a gardener. He let both of them go in 1775 (5).
- 1775-1777 Colonel Hayne made notes in his journal regarding the work on his house at Hayne Hall and other outbuildings. It is not known when construction of the house began.
"Daniel Crawford a Carolinian came here July 22 & having built the Chimneys to the house went away the 26 Augt ... Andrew Templeton a Scotchman began to wainscot the East room 8 November 1775 & finished Octr: 31, 1776 ... George Stewart a Scotchman & Carpenter Came to work on Hayne Hall, April 24, 1776 & continued till May 24, 1777 ... George Stewart a Scotchman & Carpenter Came to work on Hayne Hall, April 24, 1776 & continued till May 24, 1777 ... Daniel Crawford came again Augt 23 1777 & staid off & on till Decr 16, building the Smoak house & barn up to the Windows ... (5).
William Edward Hayne, one of Colonel Isaac Hayne's sons, recalled that Hayne Hall was an "elegant mansion house - brick barn, and stables, and every suitable building of a well settled rice plantation" (6, p. 16).
- 1776 The Revolutionary War interrupted Colonel Isaac Hayne's plantation life. He was a captain in the militia (6, p. 16).
Colonel Isaac Hayne also owned half of Aera Ironworks in York District which manufactured ammunition for the American forces. His partner, William Hill, managed the place and Hayne supplied the slave labor. Hayne kept a record of slaves that he sold to the ironworks (6, p. 22: n10).
- 1780 Colonel Isaac Hayne was made to take an oath of allegiance to the British crown. He did so in order to protect his family who were sick at the time with small pox.
- 1781 Colonel Isaac Hayne rejoined the American forces. He was captured when the British tried to rescue General Andrew Williamson. Williamson originally fought for the American forces but then went over to the British. He owned White Hall Plantation in Greenwood County.
The British decided to make an example of Colonel Isaac Hayne to keep others from becoming traitors to the crown. He was locked in the Provost Dungeon, and was hung by the neck on August 4 (6, p. 29).
Colonel Isaac Hayne's son, Isaac, brought Hayne's body back to Hayne Hall for burial (6, p. 32).
- ? The house burned down.
- 1924 Edward Terry Hendrie Shaffer, a Walterboro businessman and farmer, is credited with the rediscovery of Colonel Isaac Hayne's burial site. He became secretary of the Hayne Monument Commission and presided over the ceremony on November 19 when the Hayne monument was dedicated (2).
- ? The South Carolina State Park Service acquired the burial site of the Hayne family. It is open to the public.
- Number of acres 900 in 1770s
- Primary crop Rice
- Cemetery The Hayne Family burial site is still on the grounds. There are 12 gravesites that are maintained by the South Carolina State Park Service. A monument has been erected in honor of Colonel Isaac Hayne.
Click here to read the inscriptions from the gravestones.
- Photos of some of the gravestones
- Chronological list Colonel Isaac Hayne; South Carolina State Park Service
- Number of slaves ?
- Colonel Isaac Hayne kept records on his slaves. He recorded births and deaths along with sales and purchases of slaves. To view a portion of his records click here. Below are some examples of the entries he made.
"Daniel born May 12, 1767 Died 1771
Big Jack born 1720 run away & died of Small Pox in Town April 1780
Tom hung himself 16 May 1773 A: 45
Prince Sold to Iron Works 1778
Will (a Patroon) bought 5th Augt, 1777 (£1400) Sold 1779 for £3500
Bob £400, 1772. Swopped for horse D 1775
Elsy Burnt to Death Novr 26 1778"
References & Resources
- Isaac Hayne Tomb and House Site - owned by South Carolina State Park Service
- Edward Terry Hendrie Shaffer Papers - E.T.H. Shaffer is credited with the rediscovery of the Colonel Isaac Hayne burial site
- Theodore D. Jervey, The Hayne Family - article about the South Carolina clan
- Isaac Hayne - excerpts from the book by David Bowden
- Records Kept By Colonel Isaac Hayne - this page contains transcribed portions of Colonel Hayne's records. He made notes on his slaves and plantation management issues.
- David K. Bowden, The Execution of Isaac Hayne
(Lexington, SC: The Sandlapper Store, Inc., 1977)
- Isaac Hayne, Journal: register, ca. 1764-1781. Located at the South Carolina Historical Society in File 34-0560. (Several portions of these records have been published in the South Carolina Historical Magazine.)
- Claude Henry Neuffer, editor, Names in South Carolina, Volume I through 30 (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company)
Order Names in South Carolina, Volumes I-XII, 1954-1965
Order Names in South Carolina, Index XIII-XVIII
- SC Highway Historical Marker Guide - online database by the SC Department of Archives & History, p. 64.
Contact Information
- Isaac Hayne Tomb and House Site
SC Highway 64
Jacksonboro,SC 29452
Telephone: 843-538-8206
Website: Click here