Horseshoe Plantation Neyles Colleton County
Basic Information
- Location Horseshoe Creek (a branch of the Ashepoo River), Neyles, St. Bartholomew's Parish, ACE Basin, Colleton County
Located off SC 64 on Maybank Lane
- Origin of name The plantation was named for its location on Horseshoe Creek
- Other names Campbell, Estate Place
- Current status ?
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- ? House built
- 1869 Sampson Leith Paul sold Horseshoe to Southern Ashepoo Phosphate Company
- 1994 Westvaco Corporation purchased the property
- Number of acres 900
- Primary crop Rice
- Alphabetical list Campbell, Caspary, Fishburne, Frederick Fraser, Glover, Dr. Sampson W. Leith (1828), Rawlins Lowndes (late 1700s), William Lowndes, Sampson Leith and James Lawrence Paul (1858), Sanders, Smoak, Snipes, Verdier, Westvaco Corporation, Williams
- Number of slaves 124
Web Resources
Print Resources
- Lucius G. Fishburne, Plantation Notes, St. Bartholomew's Parish, 1960, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
- Suzanne Cameron Linder, Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860
(Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, 1995), pp. 263-266.
Order Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860