Poco Sabo Plantation Green Pond Colleton County
Basic Information
- Location Ashepoo River, Green Pond, St. Bartholomew's Parish, ACE Basin, Colleton County
Original property located east of the Ashepoo River extending to Horse Shoe Creek, a branch of the Ashepoo River
- Origin of name Means "little known"
- Other names Stoney Point
- Current status Privately owned
- 1702 Earliest known date of existence
- ? House built
Original house burned.
- 1920 Current house built
- Number of acres 1,700
- Primary crop Rice
- Alphabetical list First Landgrave Edmund Bellinger (1702), Second Landgrave Edmend Bellinger (1705), Third Landgrave Edmund Bellinger (1739), Fourth Landgrave Edmund Bellinger, Jr. (1772), Edmund Cussings Bellinger (1830), Joseph Bellinger (1801), Sidney Evander Boynton (1910), Dr. Erastus Gaither Bumgardner (1967), Lucius G. Fishburne (1960), Samuel Griswald Flagg (1939), Dr. Alexander Fraser (1817), John Henry Girardeau (1804), Meyer Robert Guggenhelm (1947), E. L. Halsey and A. O. Halsey (1904), Halsey Lumber Company (1904), John Hanckel (1863)(1871), Silas Wilder Howland (1934), H. Anthony Ittleson (1994-present), Hugh L. King (1960 and 1961), Edward B. Lining and Charles Lining (1843), Henrietta Parker Lining (1849), Richard Hill Lining, Thomas Lining, Peoples Bank (1876), Reverend Henry Middleton Parker (1856) Alfred Moore Rhett (1867), James Moore Rhett (1850), Allen P. Spalding, Jr., Frederick Ayer Spauldng and Anne D. Spaulding Diebold (1971) Clemm Chandos Tracy (1857), Williamson, Witte
- Number of slaves ?
Web Resources
Print Resources
- 30-15 Plantation File, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
- Claude Henry Neuffer, editor, Names in South Carolina, Volume I through 30 (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company)
Order Names in South Carolina, Volumes I-XII, 1954-1965
Order Names in South Carolina, Index XIII-XVIII
- Margaret F. Kemp, Colleton County, South Carolina: A Pictorial History
(Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Company, 1994)
- Lucius G. Fishburne, Plantation Notes, St. Bartholomew's Parish, 1960, held by the South Carolina Historical Society
- Alexander Moore, Poco Sabo Plantation: A Place In Time (H. Anthony Ittleson, 2005)
- Suzanne Cameron Linder, Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860
(Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, 1995), pp. 451-454.
Order Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of the ACE River Basin - 1860