Sycamore Plantation Colleton County
Basic Information
- Location St Bartholomew's Parish, Colleton County
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status ?
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- ? House built
- Number of acres 650 in 1770s
- Primary crop Rice
- Alphabetical list Bissell; Bradley; Fraser; Colonel Isaac Hayne; Munsterey; Trenholm; Waring; Witsell
References & Resources
- Theodore D. Jervey, The Hayne Family - article about the South Carolina clan
- Isaac Hayne - excerpts from the book by David Bowden
- David K. Bowden, The Execution of Isaac Hayne
(Lexington, SC: The Sandlapper Store, Inc., 1977)
- Lucius G. Fishburne, Plantation Notes, St. Bartholomew's Parish, 1960, held by the South Carolina Historical Society in File 34/0646.