Lemmon Hill Plantation Winnsboro Fairfield County
Basic Information
- Location Northwest of Winnsboro, Fairfield County
9989 Newberry Road
- Origin of name Named for early owner
- Other names ?
- Current status Privately owned
- Circa 1790 Earliest known date of existence
Mr. Trap owned the property (2).
- Early 1800s James and Mary Ann Lauderdale Lemmon purchased approximately 1,000 acres from Mr. Trap (2).
- ? House built by the Lemmons (2).
- ? Lemmon Hill was passed down to Lillian Lemmon, a granddaughter of James and Mary Ann Lemmon (3).
- 1989 Lillian Lemmon owned the house until her death (3).
- 1990 J. Paul Bell, whose grandmother's maternal aunt was Lillian Lemmon, purchased the house and 5 acres at a public auction in Winnsboro in June 1990 (3).
- 1999 Mr. Bell sold Lemmon Hill (3).
- ? The Broome family owned the plantation (2).
- 2007 Chuck and Dawn Corley purchased Lemmon Hill (2).
- Number of acres Approximately 1,000 in the early 1800s; 5 in 1990 (2, 3)
- Primary crop Cotton and indigo (2)
- Chronological list Mr. Trap (Circa 1790); James and Mary Ann Lauderdale Lemmon (Early 1800s-?); Lillian Lemmon (?-1989); J. Paul Bell (1990-1999); Chuck and Dawn Corley (2007-present, 2013)
- Number of slaves 29 (2)

— Lemmon Hill Plantation Flame Ceiling —
— © Chuck Corley, 2011 —
(Do Not Use Without Written Consent)
- The house has been fully restored by the Corleys and holds a rare flamed painted ceiling (2).
- A late 1700s log home was incorporated into a larger house (2).
- A slave cabin, chicken house, and carriage barn also remain standing (2011) (2).
References & Resources
- Lemmon Hill Plantation: Click Here
- Information contributed by Dawn and Chuck Corley.
- Information contributed by J. Paul Bell, a direct descendant of James and Mary Ann Lemmon, and former owner of Lemmon Hill.
- Life at Lemmon Hill Plantation - video series produced by SCETV explores the historic home's history