Mayfair Plantation Jenkinsville Fairfield County
Basic Information
- Location Near Jenkinsville, Fairfield County
Mayfair Plantation is located on the west side of SC 358, approximately six miles south of the junction at Highway 215.
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status The house is privately owned and has been restored (4).
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- 1824 The house built by Colonel William Alston as a wedding gift for his daughter when she married Burrell Brown Cook. Cook was a planter and served in the South Carolina General Assembly (2).
- 1883 Thompson Chappell purchased the plantation (2) (5).
- ? Bruce Hough became the plantation's next owner (4).
- ? Mayfair's next owner was Helen Douglas Chappell Crumpton (4).
- 1985 Anacal Corporation owned Mayfair (1, p. 1).
- ? S.C. McMeekin purchased Mayfair Plantation (2).
Interesting note: During photographer Teri Leigh Teed's visit to the plantation in 2006, Mrs. McMeekin told her that Albert Einstein once visited Mayfair.

— Second Story Porch of Mayfair Plantation © Teri Leigh Teed, 2006 —
(Do Not Use Without Written Consent)

— Mayfair Plantation Front Door Window © Teri Leigh Teed, 2006 —
(Do Not Use Without Written Consent)
- Number of slaves ?
- House is Federal style, two-story frame construction that has recently been restored (4).
References & Resources
- National Register of Historic Places
Nomination form - PDF - submitted in 1985
Photographs, architectural overview
- Historic sites of Fairfield County: Click here - Mayfair Plantation numbered 84
- Map of Western Fairfield County: Click here - Mayfair Plantation numbered 84
- Information contributed by Lynn Griffith
- Information contributed by Thomas Boswell, whose third great-grandfather was owner Thompson Chappell.