Greenwich Plantation Georgetown Georgetown County
Basic Information
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- ? House built
- Circa 1752 Thomas Mitchell obtained the plantation (4).
- 1837 Greenwich remained in the Mitchell family until they sold it to John Taylor in this year (4).
- 1841 Anna Marie Taylor's son-in-law Dr. Francis Simons Parker traded his plantation, Wedgefield, with her for ownership of Mansfield and Greenwich plantations (3).
- 1865 The house was burned by a slave riot that had been initiated by federal troops (3).
- Number of acres ?
- Primary crop Rice (4)
- Chronological list Thomas Mitchell (Circa 1752-?); John Taylor (1837-?); Anna Marie Taylor (?-1841); Dr. Francis Simons Parker (1841-?); Mitchell; Julian Bolick
- The plantation's kitchen building is still standing and has been converted into a private residence (4).
References & Resources
- Claude Henry Neuffer, editor, Names in South Carolina, Volume I through 30 (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company)
Order Names in South Carolina, Volumes I-XII, 1954-1965
Order Names in South Carolina, Index XIII-XVIII
- George C. Rogers, Jr., The History of Georgetown County, South Carolina
(Spartanburg, SC: Reprint Company, 1990)
Order The History of Georgetown County, South Carolina
- Mansfield Plantation History: Click here
- Information provided by Karen L. MacNutt