Jericho Plantation Hampton County
Basic Information
- Location Hampton County
County Road 62 at the junction of County Road 194, 4.7 miles south of Lawtonville Cemetery
- Origin of name ?
- Other names ?
- Current status Private residence (2012). Family farms cotton and timber (3).
- ? Earliest known date of existence
- ? House built
- 1865 House burned by General Sherman's troops (2).
Family history says the Morrisons owned Jericho Plantation at the time of the Civil War (2).
- 1884 James Eggelston Morrison died of malaria at Jericho Plantation (2).
- 2012 Property being used to cultivate cotton and timber (3).
- Alphabetical list Lawton; Morrison
- Number of slaves ?
- House burned by Sherman
References & Resources
- Carolina W. Todd and Sidney Wait, South Carolina: A Day at a Time
(Orangeburg, SC: Sandlapper Publishing Company, 2008)
- Information contributed by Arthur George Morrison.
- Information contributed by Shannon Scott.