Will of John Boone 1711
Below is a transcribed copy of John Boone's will dated 1711.
In this transcription abbreviations, spellings, and punctuation marks have been preserved. Line breaks also remain intact, as well as column structure. Indentations and spacing are difficult to replicate on the Web and may be distorted or omitted. [?] represents an unknown word.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I John Boone of Barly County in South Caro-
Lina Gen.t being of Sound mind & memory doe make this my last Will
& Testament in manner & forme - following. Viz.t [?], [?], [?],
I Give my Soul to God that gave it & my body to the Earth to be
Decently buried According to the Discretion of my Executors here-
after Named.- I Give & Bequeath unto my well beloved wife Elizabeth
Boone the full thirds of my real and personal Estate as allsoe a Suf-
ficient & Comfortable Maintenance dureing her Life upon my planta-
tion whereon I now- Live and that She at all times Dureing her life
without Controul have the free use of any house now Standing upon
ye plantation or to be Built there upon as allsoe any parte of
furniture household goods or Conveniences of any kind in order to
her undisturbed and Comfort.ble [?] Maintenance [?] I Give & Bequeath
unto my Children Thomas Boone Theophilus Boone Susanna Boone Sarah
Boone & Mary Boone- the remainder of my real & prsonall estate to
be Equally Divided amongst them when they Come of age or when my
Execut.rs think fitt [?], [?], My Will is that my Execut.rs
have full power to sell or otherwise Dispose of any parte or prcell
of my real or prsonall Estate for the payment of my just Debts
or anyways for the Benifitt & use of my beloved Wife & Children
above named
LASTLY I Nominate & appoint my Well beloved Wife Elizabeth
Boone & Mr Robert Fenwick in the County abovesaid planter the
Executors of this my Last Will & Testament revoaking all former
Wills by me made as Witnesseth my hand & Seal this Eight day of
November 1706
SIGNED Sealed and published
In the Presence of [?] [?] [?]
John Saverence X
Steaven Hekman
the mark of David D Evens
the mark of Thomas R Richardson X
Memorandum On this 25th day of August Anno Dom- 1711 Personally
appeared before me the Hono.rble Coll. Robert Gibbes Esq.r Govern.r
& c.a John Severene and Thomas Richardson Two of the Subscribeing
Witnesses to ye within Will who being Sworn Say that they & either
of them was prsent & did See Maj.r John Boone the Testator Sign
Seale publish & Declare the Within Written to be and Contain his
Last Will and Testament & at his doeing thereof he was of Sound
& perfect mind and memory and Leonard Hickman and David Evans
Subscribed their names as Witnessess in their presence
Recorded October ye 3 / 1711