Koger Gravestone Inscriptions
Below are two inscriptions taken from gravestones at Koger Plantation. Lillian H. Harley, Pattie W. Heaton, and Lillian D. Kizer were taken to the gravesites by Fitzhugh L. Sweatman, Jr. in 1979. They then published a book titled Cemetery Inscriptions of Dorchester County, South Carolina in which they included the Koger gravestones.
In this transcription abbreviations, spellings, and punctuation marks have been preserved. Line breaks also remain intact, as well as column structure. Indentations and spacing are difficult to replicate on the Web and may be distorted or omitted. [?] represents an unknown word.
1. Gravestone near the house
Who was born 2nd March 1815
And died 27th of Sept. 1819
A Son Still Born
Who was born 12th March 1829
And died 16th of Sept. 1831
Children of
Joseph and Mary Koger
2. Gravestone in the woods
Here Lies
Abigail Koger
Consort of
Joseph Koger - Who was born
15th Feb. 1769
and died on the 17th June 1812
Alfred James - Their Son
Born 27th Dec. 1802
& died 25th Jan. 1803
She was a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church
And died in the full Triumph
of Faith
This Marble is dedicated To
Her respect by her husband. J. K.