Grovewood Plantation Eastover Richland County
Basic Information
- Location Eastover, Richland County
1992 Congaree Road, across from McEntire Air National Gaurd Base
- Origin of name ?
- Other names Weston House, Weston Home at Grovewood
- Current status Privately owned

— Entrance Hall of Grovewood Plantation © MaryAnna Disher, 2011 —
(Do Not Use Without Written Consent)
- ? Earliest known date of existence is not certain. Two theories exist of when the house was built.
- 1765 or 1800 House built
Theory one: A circa 1765 one-story house near St. John's Episcopal Church was moved to property around 1835 where it was enlarged (1, p. 2) (3).
Theory two: William Weston II built the house about 1800 and his son made several improvements to the house. (1, p. 2).
The Westons also owned Brite Savannah Plantation which they abandoned in 1840 after construction of a rail line severely damaged the plantation's property (4, p. 351).
- 1993 Grovewood remained in the Weston family until this year when Fred Quattlebaum purchased it (5).
- 2008 Grovewood was put up for sale with an asking price of $1.2 million.
- 2014 The plantation was sold at auction for $550,000 after being on the market for several years. Originally listed for $1.2 million, the price was dropped several times over six years down to $694,900.00 before it was auctioned. A local couple purchased the plantation plus paid $57,500 for the house's furnishings (5).
- Number of slaves ?
- The main house is 3,800 square feet and has been restored and modernized. There is also a 1,600 square foot guest cottage and a barn on the property (3).
References & Resources
- National Register of Historic Places
Nomination form - PDF - submitted in 1986
Photographs, architectural overview
- Claude Henry Neuffer, editor, Names in South Carolina, Volume I through 30 (Columbia, SC: The State Printing Company)
Order Names in South Carolina, Volumes I-XII, 1954-1965
Order Names in South Carolina, Index XIII-XVIII
- Real estate listing contributed by MaryAnna Disher
- Information contributed by Margaret M. R. Eastman, who discovered this information while researching her family, from:
Virginia Meynard, The History of Lower Richland County and Its Early Planters, (Columbia, SC: R.L. Bryan Company, 2010)
- Oldest Home in Richland Co. Sold at Auction Thursday (Columbia, SC: WIS TV 06/19/14)