Guendalos Plantation Plantersville Georgetown County
Basic Information
- Location Pee Dee River, Prince George Winyah Parish, Georgetown County
Plantersville Road
- Origin of name ?
- Other names Vereen's (1, p. 328)
- Current status Privately owned
- 1731 Earliest known date of existence (1, p. 327)
Joseph LaBruce acquired 223 acres on the west side of the Pee Dee River (1, p. 327).
- 1739 Joseph LaBruce added 94 acres, on the east side of the river, to his holdings (1, p. 327).
- 1743 Joseph LaBruce sold the combined 317 acres to Thomas Mitchell. Mitchell also purchased an adjoining 340 acres. This brought the plantation to a total of 657 acres, 563 on the mainland, or west side of river, and 94 on the delta, or east side of river (1, p. 327).
- Prior to 1767 House built (1, p. 327)
Thomas Mitchell signed his will in 1767 which noted his son was living at Guendalos Plantation. Thomas Mitchell made his home at his Greenwich Plantation (1, p. 327).
- 1767 Thomas Mitchell signed his will leaving the plantation to his son, Anthony Mitchell (1, p. 327).
- 1769 Anthony Mitchell sold Guendalos to Edward Simons (1, p. 327).
- 1770 Edward Simons purchased an additional 110 acres in the delta from George Pawley Jr. Thus, the plantation grew to be 767 acres (1, p. 327).
- 1775 Edward Simons drafted his will and declared the plantation was to be sold after the American Revolutionary War. Further, half of his assets were to go to wife Lydia and the other half divided among his four brothers, Benjamin, Maurice, Peter, and Keating Simons (1, p. 328).
- Circa 1785 Wilson Glover had acquired the plantation which was recorded as still being 767 acres (1, p. 328).
- Circa 1800 It is believed the plantation was seized by court order and sold to raise money to pay the estate debt of Wilson Glover's father (1, p. 328).
- 1800 Lemuel Wilkes seems to have acquired the plantation. He died a short time later and his daughter Eliza Porcher Wilkes Vereen inherited Guendaolos. Eliza was married to William Vereen (1, p. 328).
- 1804 Eliza Porcher Wilkes Vereen passed away and husband William Vereen inherited the plantation. He called it Vereen's (1, p. 328).
- Circa 1844 Colonel P. W. Fraser had acquired the plantation, which was referred to as Guendalos. Colonel Fraser gave land on the edge of the plantation for a clubhouse to be built for the Planters Club (3, p. 288).
- Circa 1850 Francis Marion Weston acquired Guendalos (1, p. 108).
- 1854 Plowden Charles Jennet Weston inherited the plantation upon the death his father, Francis Marion Weston (1, p. 108).
- 1858 Plowden C. J. Weston sold the plantation to Robert Francis Withers Allston (1, p. 122).
- 1864 Robert F. W. Allston died and Guendalos Plantation was left to his son Benjamin Allston. Benjamin struggled with life as a planter in the post Civil War era and would eventually sell Guendalos (1, pp. 242, 338).
- 1940 Guendalos Plantation was purchased by J. Reuben Long.
- 2007 Guendalos Plantation is privately owned by J. Reuben Long's son Furman Long and his wife Ann Long (4).
- Number of acres 223 in 1731; 317 in 1739; 657 in 1743; 767 in 1770 (1, p. 327)
- Primary crop Rice and indigo (1, p. 328)
- Number of slaves 45 circa 1770; 68 circa 1785 (1, p. 328)
We are actively seeking information on the slaves who lived and worked at this plantation. If you find a resource that might help, please fill out this form. Thank you.
References & Resources
- Suzanne Cameron Linder and Marta Leslie Thacker, Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of Georgetown County and the Santee River
(Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, 2001), pp. 327-332
Order Historical Atlas of the Rice Plantations of Georgetown County and the Santee River
- Katherine H. Richardson, Pawleys Island Historically Speaking
(Pawleys Island, SC: Pawleys Island Civic Association, 1995)
Order Pawleys Island Historically Speaking
- George C. Rogers, Jr., The History of Georgetown County, South Carolina
(Spartanburg, SC: Reprint Company, 1990)
Order The History of Georgetown County, South Carolina
- Horry County Historical Society Spring Tour